The Victoria Zyluk, Beyond Art Team was ready and up for the game. We arrived at The Beacon Original Art Exhibition a little before the designated set up time. Victoria went into the building and scouted out where our display was going to be. We had everything we needed in our collapsible cart. The "grounds" marked out nicely, in the way of four easels! Victoria and Samantha placed our team on the easels and Victoria was told that she could display our reserves upstairs on some miniature easels. When we were finished Samantha took the cart back to the team car.
During our warm ups (waiting for the doors to open) Victoria was told that she had three paintings, purchased by another artist. Our pre-match jitters were already abating.
The "referees" Tammy and Stephen, just before the game started called the artists
together to review their expectations before the doors were opened (kick off). All of us were expected to help out with the organization. Welcoming the spectators at the two doors - upstairs and downstairs, and also wrapping the purchases. Samantha and Victoria were assigned to the upstairs door from twelve to one o'clock in the afternoon. Our role was to greet our guests, tell them about the organization of the exhibition, and where they could get some raffle tickets.
Now, before I go any further, I do want to stress that there was no competition between the artists. We all wanted each other to score as many sales as possible to make the exhibition a success for all of us.
With our success already assured, we were able to ease into the exhibition. Samantha met the lady next to her, who made plates, cups, mugs and pitchers. She found her a very interesting and skilled artisan.
Victoria, found herself busy answering questions from the spectators. Victoria amazed many people that the display of watercolours, oils, pastels and acrylics were all done by her. Many of the people would express their interest and then continue their tour of the different artisans, and then they would return to their favourite to make a purchase. Given the interest that Victoria received for both her skills and paintings it wasn't long before one of the acrylics was sold. The photographs that i am displaying are all of Victoria's painting that she has sold recently but not necessarily at this show. One of her pastels was sold: "Winter Herd" 21" x 17" Pastel Framed with Glass, Victoria also scored "goals" selling watercolours, acrylics and oils. We know that all of the paintings are going to good homes. Many of the
artisans were able to help their neighbours by watching the merchandise, and when the need arose, taking the prospective purchaser to the check out table, where the products were paid for, credit and debit cards accepted, and then the item was wrapped and on it's way to a new home. A goal scored! Victoria had many paintings that had a variety of textures bringing the surface of the painting out from the canvas. Some adults even tried to touch those paintings and were politely asked to look but not touch. One of those paintings was "Discovery" (Acrylic) on canvas 24" x 24" x 1.0" . Our photographs don't do the painting justice. That's why original paintings need to be seen personally, in order to appreciate the quality of the work.
This is a painting "Discovery" by Victoria Zyluk that sold at the exhibition
As well as selling acrylics and pastels, Victoria also sold watercolours and oils. During the day Victoria was visited by friends, students and family, all of whom were so supportive and encouraging. Even, if you don't buy a painting, it's great to feel the support of friends. We do understand that our supporters can't always buy a painting but them being there is a gift that is really appreciated.
The above photograph wasn't at this art show but elsewhere. However, the interest showing in a piece of my work would be so exciting. Am I going to sell to them or not!
Soon, the end of the day arrived and we had to take down our paintings and put them back into the team bus for their return home. Our sale was so successful that we had to fill up the gaps on our easels with the reserves. We know that we had sold "a lot" of paintings but before we can say how many we have to wait for the referees to check the VAR (instant replays) and officially announce the score. That is to come.
Again Thanks to Tammy and Stephen and our supporters who travelled with us to the "game"!